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Thomas Drew and the Making of Victorian Belfast

In Thomas Drew and the Making of Victorian Belfast, Farrell analyzes the career of “political parson” Thomas Drew (1800-70), creator of one of the largest Church of Ireland congregations on the island and leading figure in the Loyal Orange Order.

The Irish Revival: A Complex Vision

The Irish Revival has inspired a richly diverse and illuminating body of scholarship that has enlarged our understanding of the movement and its influence. The general tenor of recent scholarly work has involved an emphasis on inclusion and addition, exploring

Telling Truths: Evelyn Conlon and the Task of Writing

Telling Truths: Evelyn Conlon and the Task of Writing is the first book to provide a critical assessment of Evelyn Conlon’s work. Drawing on a variety of perspectives such as feminism, ethics, famine studies, mobility studies, translation studies, short fiction, narratology

Noraid and the Northern Ireland Troubles, 1970-1994

Since the end of the eighteenth century, the United States has offered sanctuary and support to Irish men and women engaged in the struggle for Irish independence from Britain. When violence broke out in Northern Ireland in the late 1960s,

More Heroes of Ireland's Great Hunger

The heroics and humanitarian contributions of those who came to the aid of their fellow men and women during the Great Hunger of 1845 and 1852 has been largely ignored and forgotten until recently. Many of the neglected heroes were