Molly Sturdevant is a writer, editor, and educator. Her prose and poetry appear or are forthcoming in numerous places, including The Dark Mountain Project, Orion Magazine, Newfound, The Comstock Review, Five South, The Nashville Review, The Fourth River, About Place Journal, SunDog Lit, the Midwest Review, and elsewhere. She was a finalist for the Montana Prize in Fiction 2019 and a Pushcart nominee in 2020. She is currently working on a novel based on research onsite in Leadville CO, set around the time of the 1896 CCMU strike. She will be a Writer in Residence in Paonia Colorado in January 2022.
Her PhD (DePaul 2009) is in philosophy, and she taught for a decade at Saint Xavier University, Chicago IL. Her research areas include the history of natural philosophy, the history of theories of private property and environmental law, early modern natural science and philosophy, Spinoza, and new materialism. She grew up in Colorado, and currently lives in the Midwest. She now splits her time between teaching part-time, and writing & editing.