ACIS Logo Claire Dubois

Claire Dubois wrote a PhD on representations of the Gaelic Past and their use in the construction of Irish identity in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She is an assistant professor in Irish Studies at Lille University, in France. She works on visual culture, architecture, the press, travel writing, national identity and its expressions. Notable publications include The Foreignness of Foreigners: Cultural Representations of the Other in Great Britain (18th-20th centuries) (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015) co-edited with Vanessa Alayrac- Fielding, “The Wooing of Erin: Irishwomen as Victims in the Visual Arts” (Ireland and Victims: Confronting the Past, Forging the Future, eds. Lesley Lelourec and Grainne O’Keeffe-Vigneron (Dublin: Peter Lang, 2012), “The Representation of Ireland in Two Nineteenth-Century French Journals” (Irish Studies in Europe vol. 4, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012), “‘Through Darkest Obstruction’: Challenging the British Representation of Ireland (1880-1910)”, (Authority and Crisis, Reimagining Ireland vol. 70 eds. Carine Berbéri et Martine Pelletier (Dublin: Peter Lang, 2015) and “Constance Markievicz’s Politics of Dissensus” (Nordic Irish Studies, volume 18 (2019/2020)). Her book, L’art comme arme en politique. Les combats de Constance Markievicz, is forthcoming from Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

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