ACIS Logo ACIS New England Regional 2020 – Virtual

The in-person joint New England/Mid-Atlantic ACIS Conference at Sacred Heart University entitled “Awakenings: Discovery, Activisms, and Change in the Irish Past and Present” has been rescheduled for October 2021.

In order to facilitate conversations between members before the event, the conference organizers are planning an online meet-up to share new ideas/work-in progress related to the conference themes on the evening of October 30, 2020. Refer to the 2021 conference page for the themes in the CFP.

From 4:30PM – 6PM, members will meet in Zoom breakout rooms to discuss work-in-progress ideas on the conference theme. Later in the evening, at 8PM, we will have a “cocktail hour” virtual gathering and a chance to hear from members in a brief roundtable, “Five Ways of Looking at Normal People.

During the online meet-up, all members who have signed up will share their work-in-progress ideas in an initial 3-5 minute conversation opener in their Zoom room; the remainder of the time will allow for questions, answers, and conversation.

Please register by October 2, 2020.


Abby Bender
Claire Bracken, Mid-Atlantic ACIS Representative
John Roney, New England ACIS Representative


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