ACIS Logo ACIS Midwest Regional 2022

The 2022 Midwest ACIS Regional Conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse on October 6-8. This year’s conference will forego a traditional theme; instead participants will be encouraged to identify recurring themes and new directions that will undoubtedly emerge from the works presented at the conference. Thus, innovative papers that transgress traditional themes, narratives, and siloed disciplines are encouraged.

The 2022 McBride Lecture will be delivered by Dr. Cian McMahon of the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

The conference will be structured as a hybrid conference with in-person and virtual options, and we ask that you declare your preferred modality when submitting your individual or panel submission. Interdisciplinary and innovative panels are highly encouraged. Proposals should be no more than 250 words and should include a brief biography (50 words) for each presenter, as well as including 2-4 descriptive keywords. Panel proposals must include 250-word proposals from each panel member, as well as bios (50 words) for each author. All presenters must be current members of the American Conference for Irish Studies.

The paper/panel submissions deadline has now passed.


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