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Jenny Sledge Harris is a Dean’s Doctoral Fellow at the University of Kansas. She holds a masters degree in Theatre History with a concentration in dramaturgy from the Catholic University of America.

Dr. Christy Craig is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Fort Hays State University. She studied anthropology, sociology, and women’s and gender studies, earning her PhD in Sociology from the University of Kansas. Dr. Craig’s research focuses on gender, sexuality,

I am currently working in 20th and 21st century Irish culture, science, and technology studies. I have published in a range of journals including James Joyce Quarterly, Eire-Ireland, Surveillance and Society, and Cultural Studies, as well as in collections including

Special Collections Librarian at the Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, where my curatorial responsibilities include oversight of our P. S. O’Hegarty, Joyce, and Yeats collections, and other other Irish holdings (